There are so many books out now talking about basically the same thing, healing kids from autism and how that label is totally incorrect for these kids! The label, in fact, is what scares most people off from investing this information (and keeps mainstream medicine from doing anything about it either). It did for us! This is all about the the mind-body/brain-gut connection. Many people have issues with their guts (no surprise considering the typical American diet!) but for small children these issues manifest in developmental delays and extreme behaviors. Their systems are not fully developed and can be overloaded much easier than ours. We received a label of apraxia, hypotonia, and sensory. We were satisfied enough not to hear autism that we went full throttle down the wrong path, treating all the symptoms and not the cause. Even if you're only dealing with sensory and some other quirks, I believe this information can help you. We were in therapy every day of the week for my son's challenges. In 7 short months on this wild goose chase, I spent thousands and thousands of dollars! These are all issues of the past now! My son's sensory challenges have vanished. His muscles are firming up so the low-tone is becoming a thing of the past. And, everyone keeps commenting on how well he is talking!
We only went to experts deemed to be the VERY BEST by multiple sources. When I add it all up, we've seen 7 Speech Therapists, 3 Occupational Therapists, 2 Developmental Pediatricians, 2 Pediatricians, 1 General Practitioner, 1 Osteopath, 1 Pediatric Neurologist, 2 Psychologists, 1 Audiologist, 1 Nutritionist, 1 Ophthalmologist, 1 Naturopathic Doctor, 1 Ear-Nose-Throat Doctor, and a Craniosacral Therapist in our search to find out what was going on with our son. I do not think these therapists and doctors were trying to take our money. I think they sincerely believed in what they were doing and honestly all that therapy wasn't hurting my son (just our pocketbook and our precious free time!). There are so, so many kids coming up with these challenges that they have PLENTY of work, as you quickly learn when you end up on waitlist after waitlist. I do believe, though, that most Dev Peds are not up on this stuff and Psychologists haven't a clue about it either (it would mean admitting they've been wrong for a few decades -- since bizarre behavior and speech issues are just symptoms and these kids have an immune dysfunction and dysregulartory state!).
Here are a few of the best books on how to heal. You only need to read a couple to see the similar messages they all have:
- Healing the New Childhood Epidemics by Kenneth Bock, MD
- Special-Needs Kids Eat Right by Judy Converse
- Healing & Preventing Autism - Complete Guide by Dr. Jerry Kartzinel
- The Myth of Autism: How a Misunderstood Epidemic Is Destroying Our Children by Dr. Micheal J Goldberg
- Children with Starving Brains by Jaquelyn McCandless
- The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook
- Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
And website resources ('Autism Speaks' is missing -- Read Jenny McCarthy's Mother Warriors to find out why):
And a most precious resource:
There are many more books, websites, and local support groups but these resources above should give you enough to know what actions to take.
Our DAN! doctors have us on a simple (over the counter) protocol right now. It is making a HUGE difference. We may end up doing more invasive treatments but the tests will tell us if that is deemed necessary. I would have paid any amount of money to get where we are and the truth is it only cost me a few hundred dollars.
Please read the books, find a reputable DAN! doctor, and meet them to discuss your child. Don't leave anything out of the history you share. It is all relevant, even if you don't realize it yet. This can all be accomplished in a couple weeks time if you are motivated enough.
Good luck to you!